Saturday, April 7, 2012

Progress is being made.

Do you remember that huge list I made?  The one with all the things that needed to be done around the yard and garden?  I'm happy to say that I've made it about 2/3 of the way through the list. 

The front flower/herb bed has been cleaned up and edged.   I divided up my daylillies and added them to the beds.  The daylillies are like weeds and will fill in nicely over the next few years.  The lovely couple that just bought the other side of our duplex, is very anxious to pretty up the place.  We'll be fixing the sad state of the yard in the next few weeks.  Loam will be delivered and grass seed spread.  Since the septic is in the front yard, we're very limited in what we can do.  The loam will be put on the far end of the yard, so we don't harm the leaching field.

The strawberry bed has been weeded and manured.  The strawberries don't take up the whole bed, so the rest of the bed will be planted with onions.  I have terrible luck starting onions, so I'm ordering from Dixondale Farms this year.  They should be here next week for planting.

 The Northwest corner of the yard was becoming overrun with wild blackberry canes and other weeds.  Despite long sleeves and leather gloves, I still ended up with a number of scratches.  However, it looks great now and is ready for my newest plans.  I'll let you in on those later.

The chicken coop got cleaned out of all the winter's mess.  One of the Rhode Island Reds sat in the coop and squawked at me the entire time.  It was pretty funny.  They now have fresh bedding and the electric that is run out to the coop has been cleaned up and put away.  We are still having cold nights, but they don't need the water heater anymore.  The lights were turned off about a month ago after I decided not to artificially light them anymore.  We'll be getting new chicks in the next few days, so we should be fine with the excess through next winter.  

Toby and our new dog Molly, had to rest after supervising all of the action.  Molly is another dog from a client.  She is a 7 1/2 year old lab mix and is sweet as can be.  She is really loving being a 'farm' dog.  

Today we planted a small garden just outside the coop.  The kids and a few friends helped.  It will contain greens and sunflowers.  The sunflowers to add some shade and the greens for yummy chicken treats.  They get a lot from the garden, but I thought it would be nice for them to have their own supply of yummy food.  

Lots more is happening and I'll update it all in time.  Enjoy your Easter or Passover celebrations!

I'll be linking to the Homestead Barn Hop.  Check out what others are doing around the homestead.


kitsapFG said...

Definitely see your progress! Good job!

The Mom said...

Laura, thanks. I love the long list of things to do this time of year.