Thursday, April 26, 2012

Late April around the homestead

It's been a busy month.  I know you all can relate.  The garden is busy, our computer business is busy, the kids' sports and dance have gotten crazy...   You know how it goes.  After our very dry winter, we finally got rain this weekend.  Quite a bit of rain, actually.  As a result, the garden is thriving.

An overview of the garden shows that things are greening up, but nothing big is showing yet.

The back deck nursery has more brassicas, flowers and herbs to be planted soon.

The rhubarb is getting big.  Almost time to harvest some.

The peas are getting bigger and starting to grasp the netting.

Something has decided that they needed my spinach more than I did.  They were also kind enough to eat the broccoli and cabbage starts to the ground.  I could cry.  Right now I have tomato cages over the beds to try and deter the beasts.  It seems to be doing a fairly good job right now.  The rest of the brassicas will be put out under something to keep the animals at bay.

The garlic is getting huge.

Tons of strawberry flowers.  These will have to be covered in some way as well.  I'd like to get a good crop this year.

The onion starts look fantastic and are starting to size up a bit even after a week.

The hens are laying well.  Even the 3 year old Buff Orpingtons are laying for me. 

The babies are just over a week old now.  They're getting bigger daily.  Hopefully next week it will be warm enough for a field trip outside for a bit.  I love listening to them cheep to each other. 

What's keeping you busy?


Daphne Gould said...

NO! Bad animals. I hate when the plants get ripped up. I cover a lot of what I plant in the spring. I don't seem to have as many issues with the summer crops.

The Mom said...

Yeah, by summer their nibbles don't affect much. The dogs are supposed to be keeping the critters out. I'm going to have a talk with them about this breach.

becky3086 said...

One of my stupid cats tore up a pepper plant sometime last night but at least the deer have not come back since I hung the wind chime.

The Mom said...

Becky, I'm happy we don't have deer coming through. My dogs have been known to dig up veggies though. Stinkers.