Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Independence Days Challenge week 2

I'm a day late and a dollar short this week.  After lots of rain, we had abundant sunshine and warmth.  We're now back to lots of rain.  My backyard never quite recovered from the flooding from last week.  The new rain has reestablished the lake in my back yard.  I wish I had a way to hold all of this water for later in the year for the garden.  That would be a huge holding tank, I'm afraid.

Plant something:  peas, 2 types of lettuce, swiss chard, carrots and beets

Harvest something:  lots of chicken eggs

Preserve something:  I canned up 3 quarts of chicken broth made from scraps.

Waste not:  All of the boxes that come from Hubby's business in the past 2 months got used.  They are now forming walkways between my garden beds.  I also used all of the feed bags from the chicken feed. 

Want not:  Hubby talked me out of buying a rototiller.  He reminded me that it only would be used once or twice a year and I could rent one.  He was right.

Eat the food:  Made pizza sauce from the last of the canned tomatoes.  Used some cabbage and the last of the green beans in egg rolls.

Build community food systems.  not so much


  1. On Sun while Dh was trimming the apple trees he said "well, I guess we could fix that...."

    Now.. I admit I'll believe it when I see it.. but we've negotiated broilers... if he fixes my chicken coop.

    But... atleast it's a start. Too dry here... had drizzle the last couple of days but I doubt we got an inch and with all the wind, even less.

  2. I don't think you're a dollar short...looks like a good start!

  3. Farmwife, I would love to get broilers. Alas I don't have the space.

    Lise, thanks!

    Karen Anne, they work wonderfully and feed the worms as well.

  4. You are inspirational in your efforts! Good work. :D

    I hope the rains calm down soon and your garden area get's a chance to dry out a bit. Tough to do the planting part when the ground is over saturated.

  5. Laura, you are the inspiration! Maybe we'll dry out by May.

  6. My coop is large. Outside it's 5+ feet high, and the size of a goodsized shop.... just trying to think of what room it would fit in... it has to be about 6ft wide and about 12 long... give or take. Then there's about a 3ft wide, 12ft long space inside. It's attached to the back of a storage shed. But the wood is rotting and needs to be replaced.

    I'm not getting excited... Things don't tend to happen quickly around here :) But, if we don't put in a specialty crop (time consuming) this year... he'll have no excuse not to fix it :)

  7. Farmwife, I wish I had that space. I'm sure it's lots of work, but I like work.

  8. A flood is no excuse for not getting on with the work. You need to spend the money saved on the rotivator on a boat!

  9. IG, I know, I'm just being lazy!

  10. You're a busy woman! Thank goodness for gumboots!

  11. Kiwi, you're even busier.

    Dirty girl, thanks!
