Friday, March 19, 2010

First day of planting

What a gorgeous week we've had!  After flooding rains, we've been rewarded with May weather.  It's been in the 60's all week with 70's predicted for tomorrow.  Normal for us is upper 40's for this time of year.  It's just what the doctor ordered for my winter weary soul.

I took full advantage, now that my brood is back to health.  The Cascadia sugar snap peas were planted along the fence.  In the lettuce box I planted Winter Density lettuce and Winter mix lettuce with some Bright Lights swiss chard as well.  There will be salads galore. 
In one of my new beds, I planted Detroit Dark Red beets and Nantes carrots.
The carrots were seeded with this seed tape.  I tried making my own seed tapes last year with miserable results.  I wanted to try again with less work involved.  There is a discount store near me that sells these for 40% off, so I gave them a try.  They are certainly easy to work with.  If they work out, I'll make some up with toilet paper this year.  Last year I used napkins and seeds that were of questionable age, so it was my own fault that I had a failure.  

We'll be getting more rain early next week, so I won't have to water these in.  The soil is still quite damp, but not soggy.  It's amazing, I was actually feeling a bit blah until I went out and played in the dirt.  

The chickens are liking it too.


  1. Playing in the dirt is what pulled me out of the blahs this week, too. Our dirt's still frozen, but I was able to rake it and find some emerging green, which made a huge difference in my mood!

  2. Isn't it wonderful? It made such a difference.

  3. I planted peas today, too! Tomorrow I'll plant lettuce and spinach. Our ground is so dry, and our irrigation water isn't supposed to come on until next week :-(

  4. Isn't it the best! The birds are all migrating early too this year - I'm thinking my hummers might be here early than usual too ... I played in the dirt too ... and tomorrow is planned for it as well. Only I hope to get my hoop house up ready to give it a try ... and then use it for the winter harvesting as well ... glad you guys are doing better!

  5. Granny, it won't be long before we get some yummy stuff.

    Kiwi, I have your peas. We need to get together soon, so that I can give them to you.

  6. I've run out of window sills, so it looks like the next step is to actually do some outdoors planting in the rain!

  7. IG, I am running out of room as well. I have no place to put my tomatoes.

  8. Fresh greens and playing in the dirt are real tonics for a winter weary soul. We are forecasted to have a brilliant day here too today... up to 68 degrees before cooling back down a bit next week. You can be sure I will be making good use of that fine weather! I have brocooli starts to get in the ground (under cover) and I will be planting out the Cascadias I started early plus some direct seeded ones as well.

  9. Laura, that sounds like a wonderful day. Enjoy your sunshine and warm temps.

  10. I've got my peas in too. I just couldn't stand to not be in the beautiful weather last week. Sadly this week will be back to normal and maybe a bit chilly at the end of the week.
