Monday, November 29, 2010

Harvest Monday Nov 29, 2010

It's really cold outside!  My garden has a heavy layer of frost on it, but I still have a harvest for the week.  Last Tuesday I decided to harvest the rest of the broccoli.  I'm leaving the stalks in the ground just so I have something to look at, but they're done for the year. 

We've done lots of eating from our garden this week though.  The canned tomatoes and sauces have made an appearance in many dishes.  Potatoes and carrots have also been big this week.  I made my Vegetable Beef Soup this week so all of the above was used, along with some frozen green beans from the garden. 

The remainder of the garden will stay in.  There is still some cabbage, although the heads never got very big.  The carrots are gorgeous and will be pulled whenever I can get them out.  The beets didn't get very big and will also be harvested when the ground thaws a bit. 

Head on over to Daphne's Dandelions to see what everyone is harvesting this week.  It's amazing to see what people are getting in this cold weather.


  1. Oh that broccoli looks delicious! It is one of my all time favorite veggies. Ours has been done for the season for quite a few weeks and I am missing it.

  2. Good looking broccoli! Carrots sound good about now, too.

    I harvested the last of my Swiss chard this week before the "great freeze." Glad I did! My only other remaining crop is lettuce which is in an improvised cold frame.

    Love gardening! Can't wait for spring to start it all over again!

  3. Love that header photo with the frost! It's been soup weather here too. It's nice to have the tomatoes and frozen veggies when you need them.

  4. Laura, thanks, we love broccoli here as well.

    Tempusflits, my swiss chard was looking pitiful, so it was harvested but went to the chickens. They loved it!

    Villager, I love soup. This is great cooking weather.

  5. Your broccoli looks nice. Lovely blog. Have a nice day/Gela

  6. Oh, how I envy that beautiful crop of broccoli! Lucky you! Here, everything is covered in snow...

  7. I hope my broccoli looks as good as yours does when I pick it!

  8. Gela, thanks so much!

    Madame C, no snow yet. It will be here soon I'm sure.

    Veggie PAK, broccoli is wonderful anytime.

  9. Your broccoli looks so so good. I didn't get a fall crop planted this year :(

  10. Very pretty broccoli. I miss having it. I need someone next door to trade broccoli for Asian greens.
