Friday, June 11, 2010

Seeds and things

Yes I realize that this is not a seed.  It's a chicken, a very noisy one at that.  She does however provide me with some rather tasty eggs, so I'll let her stay.  She has nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of the post, I just haven't had any pictures of the girls lately.

These, however, are spinach seeds.  I'm really in love with how things look when they're setting seed. 

If you click on the picture it will enlarge.  This is the parsnip going to seed.  I love the happy little bee with pollen all over her legs.  There haven't been too many lately, which is making me sad.  Last year I had tons, but so far this year, not too many.

I wish most Americans realized how beautiful veggies are when they are growing.  These potatoes look so boring on the shelf, but while growing put on an amazing show. 

Lastly, the strawberries.  I'm quite happy with the amount of berries on the plants for their first year.  If you look closely though, you'll see that something has taken a small bite out of one already.


  1. I gave up growing strawberries because the chipmunks would eat them all. I resolve however to try again. I hope you don't get any more bites taken out of yours.

  2. Daphne, I hope it doesn't come to that. I may have to cover them and see if that helps though.

  3. I LOVE the pic of the bee. Absolutely gorgeous & breath taking!!!

  4. I try to plant bee friendly stuff. They love the clover in the lawn.

  5. Karen Anne, they usually love the clover, but I haven't seen many there either.

  6. I love potato flowers...they are very pretty in my opinion. Your potatoes are definitely ahead of mine. I'm very anxious to be able to harvest my first homegrown potato.

  7. Thomas, they're really far ahead of where I thought they would be. I can't wait to eat them myself!
