Monday, June 7, 2010

Harvest Monday

Now is the time that things are really starting to come in from the garden.  It's so exciting and actually quite early for New England.  Above is a pound of garlic scapes.  These were made into garlic scape pesto and frozen in cubes for the year.  Absolutely delicious!

Some lettuce is also making an appearance.  It has not been a good year for lettuce in my garden.  I don't think it's liking all the heat we've had.

Lastly are the sugar snap peas.  These joined some of the garlic scape pesto in a wonderful chicken and pasta dish last night.  The peas are 3 weeks early this year.  We're loving every minute of it. 

Check out who else is posting over at Daphne's Dandelions for Harvest Monday.


  1. I looks like all of us New Englanders are harvesting the same things at the moment. Yes, we are quite lucky and early this year. Hopefully the peas will produce longer too.

    Nice to know about the pesto. I harvested about a pound of scapes and will have have been debating about what to do with all of them.

  2. Garlic scape pesto recipe please? I know I'll get handfuls of these from my CSA soon and would love to find some good use for it. Is it made like regular pesto or do you add anything special?

    And I can't wait for our peas (all forms)! We never get enough of these---I wonder if I could grow them in a container?

  3. Yes recipe please.

    I gave up on peas this year. They go old to fast, rot, burn off if it gets too hot... I have had little luck and maybe enough for a meal or 2 out of an entire row.

  4. Scape pesto is one of my favourite ways of using these treats too! Nice looking harvest.

  5. Thomas, the pesto was really great. I had just over a pound and made quite a bit.

    Christina, I'll got the recipe here Very simple and yummy.

    Farmwife, recipe above. I do pretty well with peas here usually. They are so yummy!

    Ottawa, I'm really happy with how it turned out. This will definitely be on the menu every year now.

  6. Thanks for sharing the pesto recipe. I can't wait to try it.

  7. Oh darn, I'll have to wait until next year to try the pesto, my scapes are all gone already.

    Nice harvest!

  8. Robin, you're very welcome. I hope you enjoy it.

    Michelle, there's always next year!

  9. Peas and scapes seems to be the New England harvest this week. It is a good one too. Some of my lettuce is already starting to bolt. I hope the rest holds.

  10. Daphne, it certainly seems we all harvested the same things. My lettuce is starting to look like it is ready to bolt as well. The spinach is already seeding.

  11. Not New England, but we harvested scapes and lots of lettuces last week too. You have me beat on the peas though! Ours are blooming right now and the sugar snaps have yet to bloom (soon) so peas are ways into the future yet. I have zuchinni forming though which means not long to wait for them.

  12. Laura, we tend to have things come in at similar times. Hopefully your peas will be in soon. It's certainly early for ours.

  13. Beautiful harvest of greens!
