Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sprouts already

They're up already!  Those are sprouts from Winter Density lettuce  and Pinetree Lettuce mix.  They are coming up rather quickly.  Just 2 days and I'm in business.  I love instant gratification.  

These are a little harder to see, but are sprouts from the Yellow Sweet Spanish onions.  The Red Bulls haven't poked their heads out yet.  Only 3 weeks until I can plant more seeds.  Patience is not one of my virtues.  


  1. When's your last frost free day. Ours isn't until Victoria day (week before Memorial day). Therefore nothing goes in the greenhouse before April 1 and then with heat.

  2. Congradulations! You have babies!!!

  3. You have lift off! Lettuce and cole crops are great ones to emerge promptly after seeding - especially if they are sitting on a heat mat too.

  4. Farmwife, our last frost free day is May 9th. So I can plant out the onions mid April.

    Kiwi, thanks!

    Kitsap, the heat mat certainly make a difference. My mother is always amazed how much faster my seeds come up with the seed mat.

  5. We are able to plant potatoes at Easter.... although it's early this year and my garden is cccooolllddd... so it's better to plant late... ironically it will surpase those planted early if I do.

    2 yrs ago - last year I was injured, projectile, lawnmower, 2" scar right shin, Dad planted my garden - I planted potatoes at the beginning of May and it took 4 weeks for them to come up and I had less potatoes than had I waited a little longer for the garden to warm. The last 2yrs have been very cool and wet.

    So, I'm learning to wait.. but don't claim to be patient about it :)

  6. Farmwife, I'm not very good at waiting. I haven't had any issues with it yet, though.

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  8. Jennifer, I'm glad to meet you. Thanks for the award!
