Sunday, January 31, 2010

And so it begins

The wait is over, I sowed my first seeds of the year.  It was so fun to play in the starter mix.  Getting it to soak up the water and getting muddy was refreshing to my winter weary soul.  On the top shelf, only part of the flat is planted.  There is dill, basil and 2 types of lettuce.  The bottom is filled with yellow and red onions.  

This year I am trying to keep meticulous notes on what I've done.  In years past I've kept more haphazard notes.  Last year I was so sick that I was happy to just get things planted.  Every year I think that I'll remember all the details, but my addled mind can hardly remember my name these days. 


  1. I always do that. I tell myself I'll remember. HA! I never do. I always forget. I'm glad I wrote things down last year. It was the first year I printed out sheets so I could put what and when I sowed and transplanted things.

  2. Daphne, so far I have columns for date sown, date emerged, date transplanted and any notes. Hopefully that will give me some better info.

  3. It looks awesome! I finished two shelves and plan on planting this week. I'm still unsure of what I'm doing, but guess it's all fun when it's trial and error?!!! Can't wait to hear when your seeds start peeking through! Awesome!!!

  4. I don't know why the brain thinks, I'll remember that, and then doesn't :-)

    The older I've gotten the more organized I've gotten about records of all kinds. If I had done this years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of time and lost information, plus having it on the computer so I can find it easily is a big boon.

  5. You are on your way! I keep records too, but I also do the old fashioned plant markers to note what is in that cell pack and what variety it is. I can easily identify tomatoes for example, but one is hard pressed to identify the variety if you have several growing.

  6. Kiwi, you don't have the time to plant right now! Maybe I should come over and lend a hand.

    Karen Anne, I used to remember everything without writing it down. Now, I can't remember a thing. I tend to be a pen and paper kind of person though.

    Kitsap, I plan to use markers as well. Right now I have labels on the outside of the flats. With the lids on, I can't get a marker in there. I need some heavy duty markers for the garden. Lots of new varieties this year.

  7. I can't wait to get started on my spring sowings. But already, I'm behind my seed starting schedule by a couple of days.

    It looks like a few gardeners are starting their onions now. Isn't it still a bit early? When you do plan on transplanting them?

  8. Mom - great list and setup as well! I'm so bad about labeling things in the garden and the freezer. It's always a guessing game!

  9. Thomas, onions take forever to grow and in our rather short growing season, they need a major head start. These will go out mid April most likely.

    Sustainable, welcome! I'm not always the most organized person either. Since I'm growing more varieties, I need to be a bit more organized this year.

  10. I am so jealous. I have soil, I have seeds but its too early to even start yet. Happy growing and may you do well.

  11. Laura, I wish I could start more. It will be a while before anything else gets planted.
