Friday, February 12, 2010

How do you feel about Valentine's Day

I must confess, I'm not much for V day.  When Hubby and I were newly together, he would get me flowers and chocolates, balloons and teddy bears.  Over the years, we've stopped with it altogether.  It seems too much like a Hallmark holiday.  Created to sell more stuff.  Hubby and I know we love each other, we don't need candy to say it. 

The kids are at the age that they love stuff like this, though.  Today we're off to a Valentine's Day party with our homeschool friends.  After filling out 72 cards, complete with Barbie and Lego stickers, I'm about done in.  They love giving and getting fun cards and candy.  It's another party for them.  Who doesn't love a party?
My feeling is to look at this and think about the waste.  Yes, I could have had them make cute little valentine's from scrap paper and recycled items.  The fact was, that I could barely make myself get the easy pre-made valentines from CVS.   Maybe I'm just not a romantic person.  Maybe I'm just a Valentine's Grinch.  Either way, I just don't like this holiday.


  1. My husband and I are not real big on Valentices Day either. All I ask for is a simple little gift. I encouraged him to go to the dollar store. I don't like flowers (don't kill them for me buy a plant) and I really don't eat candy.

  2. We usually make something that we don't usually - seafood - after the kids go to bed and have an adults only meal.

    I'm a birthday and Xmas kind of person. Forget those and he's in trouble :) My Mother is a "all holidays" person... she's not happy that I ignore most of them and she doesn't get the attention.

  3. Laura, I hate getting flowers as well. I would much prefer something living.

    Farmwife, we do generally have a nicer dinner with the kids. This year Hubby has to work, so that won't happen either, which is fine with me.

  4. My husband doesn't buy me flowers anymore because I always leave them in the vase for at least 2 weeks after they should be tossed. I'm much more likely to cut flowers from my own garden in the summer and replace them. Plus it's a waste of money.

    We don't buy gifts anymore. In fact, I could tell my husband it's V-day tonight when he gets home, and he'll believe me, because we really don't worry about it. No plans... but I might bake something with strawberries.

  5. Farmer's Daughter, Hubby doesn't buy me flowers anymore either. They just seem so pointless. I love my flowers in the summer though. We're growing lots this year, thanks to the kids buying so many flower seeds.

  6. We are such an unromantic couple... pretty much always have been. We have a comfortable partnership and it works well for us. Valentines day is just a nice excuse to buy (and swap) candy to restock our supply. About two months after Christmas our personal stashes of chocolate are getting down to nothing. ;)

  7. Kitsap, about this time of the year I'm swearing off chocolate in a vain attempt to lose weight.

  8. I like it for the kids, but for my husband and I. . .eh. I'll make a nice dinner tonight (I'll be away tomorrow) and give him a card, but I don't go for expensive gifts. I actually enjoy coming up with fun Valentine's with the kids and dedicating a few days to doing them, but this year, over 130 of them was a bit much even for me.

  9. In the sixteen years my husband and I have been together - fifteen of which we've been married :) - he's given me a total of two Valentine's Day gifts.

    In the beginning, I wanted to celebrate everything, but over time, I realized that there's so much meaning in the way we deal with each other on a day-to-day basis, that it seemed a little forced to celebrate one day when we were supposed to shower each other with love. I know it sounds hokey, but he does little things for me every day that show me how much he loves me and for him to give me flowers or candy on some arbitrary holiday ... it would be lost in the reality that is our lives.

    In short, we don't "celebrate" Valentine's Day, and frankly, I don't miss it. My oldest daughter thinks we're unromantic, but I think getting chocolates on Valentine's Day is far less romantic than getting up every morning and finding that he's made me a cup of tea.

  10. FOM, Hubby is working tonight as well. The kids get a kick out of the celebration. I just don't like it as a way to celebrate my relationship.

    Wendy, I feel the same. If I need a holiday to show how romance and love, then there is an issue. I know everyday how much I'm loved.

  11. I used to like getting chocolates every year, but last year I found out I can't eat it anymore :< Valentines Day just isn't the same without chocolate for me.
