Thursday, January 7, 2010

Walking with Toby

This morning Toby and I went for our morning drag walk out in the beautiful fresh air.  Here are a few pictures that he allowed me to take.

The ice hasn't formed on the stream here yet.  It's been a relatively mild winter so far, only in the upper 20's and low 30's for the most part.

There was a lot of sniffing of bunny trails.

Aren't the icicles on the roof pretty?


  1. What a beautiful winter landscape. Toby is pretty handsome too. :D

  2. Kitsap, it is beautiful and Toby thanks you for the compliment.

  3. Are you back from vacation?? I like to take my dog for morning walks..usually M,W,&F, then whenever else we squeeze them in.

  4. Karen Sue, we're still away on vacation. The pictures are from the cabin that we're staying at. We'll be heading home tomorrow.

  5. Those are some pretty great photos considering Toby was dragging you along!

  6. Thanks FOM. I am strong like bull.
