Monday, January 4, 2010

Vacation, all I ever wanted

I am currently sitting in the living room of a friend's cottage in New Hampshire.  Morgan is taking a break from coloring to give me hugs and kisses.  Noah is playing a game and Hubby is helping Noah with the game.  Toby is relaxing at my feet and there is a fire going in the woodstove.  We've just finished having chowder for dinner.  It's heaven. 

We have been desperate to have a break from the chaos of our everyday lives for a while.  It would have been lovely to relax at home, it would also be impossible.  Hubby runs 2 businesses out of our home, I homeschool the kids and do multitudes of other things daily, including helping Hubby.  We also happen to be the house where all the kids come to play.  For these and many other reasons, we needed to go away. 

So Edas Escape it was.  Our friend D has this wonderful place that once belonged to his lovely grandmother Eda.  We've come up here before and it is such a refuge.  Since it has a kitchen, we can bring food up from home, or go to the grocery store 20 minutes away.  Then we don't have to leave, unless we want to.  Just what we needed. 

We plan to hibernate here for a few days.  When we're good and ready, we'll go out exploring.  In the meantime, I plan to take a few walks with my camera.  Hopefully I'll have some good pictures to post in the next few days.  Ahhh, this is heaven


  1. The biggest problem with living on the farm... the lack of "holiday". We too have to leave or else there's always something that needs to be done.

    Have a great holiday.

  2. Farmwife, I'm lucky to have wonderful neighbors to care for my chickens and anything else that needs tending.

  3. Wow that sounds wonderful! I am so needing a vacation this year and not likely to get much of one (long story). I hope the rest of your vacation is just as relaxing.

  4. Kitsap, I'm sorry you won't be getting much of a vacation. Hopefully you can relax at home.

  5. Escape is a wonderful word! We gave our kids the choice of vacation last summer: Disney, Cape Cod with much vegging out, or their choice. It was unanamous CC vegging out. Record number of books were read, a day trip to Boston, a side trip to our favorite Cuffy's for sweatshirts, and a whale watch. Lots of sun and we all needed it. Time to start thinking about summer again...I vote for vegging! Have a great time.

  6. Karen Sue, I grew up spending all my summers at my Grandmother's in Eastham on the Cape. It's so wonderful there. We don't live very far from Cape Cod, but don't seem to get there much. I love these quiet vacations. Who wants to run around like a nut on vacation?
