Saturday, November 27, 2010

What I'm reading

Since the kids have been in school, I've had lots of time to myself.  One of the things I'm doing is to catch up on my reading.  Currently, I'm enjoying The Resilient Gardener Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times by Carol Deppe.

 The book takes a look at some of the history of growing foods along with the challenges that have been dealt with over time.  Deppe has Celiac disease which prevents her from eating wheat or anything that has gluten in it.  This has shaped how she gardens and cooks, as you might imagine.  Instead she focuses on 5 foods that are the basis for a healthy diet.  In this case potatoes, corn, beans, squash and eggs.  

She and another man garden together on leased land in the Pacific Northwest.  They grow almost all their food on this land and store it in their garage.  There are chapters on each of the foods that she grows, with great detail on what kinds of seeds she prefers and why.  Great detail is given on how they grow, problems that may arise and how to deal with those problems.  Storage and recipes are also given plenty of attention.  

I'm finding this to be one of those books that makes me want to add more beds to my garden.  As seed catalogs start to arrive, I'll be making lots of notes as to what new varieties would be fun to try.  Every family has different tastes, but focusing on the basics is wise for any of us that are wanting to grow a large amount of food for our families.  I love the idea of also growing many things that require almost no attention to store for the winter.  Getting out of the canning kitchen is a wonderful thing in my book.  

I'm always looking for more books to read and would love any suggestions you have.  So tell me, what books are you reading now?


  1. That looks like a great book...I think that I will have to get it.

  2. That sounds like a great book. I'm always on the lookout for good gardening related books. I'll keep that on my list.

    I am so jealous you have a dehydrator. Can I ask you, what brand you have and do you recommend it? Do you dehydrate only fruits and vegetables? I've been spending the last 2 months doing research on dehydrators. I don't want to invest in one until I feel confident that it's a good one. It's one of those kitchen items that if you buy it, and it's not so great, it'll become a waste money so I want to make sure it's a good one.

  3. Robin, I hope you enjoy it.

    Meemsnyc, I have an Excalibur. I really like it. We've done veggies,jerky and fruit leathers with wonderful results. Having never had another kind, I can't compare, but I do really love the Excalibur.

  4. I read everything and anything...

    I have to be in the mood for non-fic. I've gone through gardening, homeschooling, recipes and autism binges. Right now it's solely R&R reading. I read approx 300 books/yr

  5. I just read this book myself recently. I found her specific dietary issues a little distracting from the core information in the book but overall there was quite a bit of useful information shot gunned throughout the chapters. As a pacific northwest gardener I found it interesting to review her varietal selections and compare with what I have found works well in our area.

    I book I really enjoy that I would recommend getting ahold of is:

    This Organic Life - Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader by Joan Dye Gussow.

  6. Farmwife, that is an impressive list of books! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Laura, I figured you would know the book. I just put Organic Life on my paperback swap wish list. Thanks for the suggestion
