Monday, November 8, 2010

Harvest Monday Nov 8,2010

I can no longer say that carrots are impossible.

Apparently, the trick is to plant them in July and let them grow in the fall.  At least at my house.  I'm still in shock that these gorgeous carrots came from MY garden.  The really great thing, is that there are still lots more out there.  My new plan is to forgo the spring planting(well maybe a small one) and after I harvest the garlic, to plant a whole bed of these beautiful roots. 

These were planted by making seed tapes on toilet paper.  It took just a few minutes and then they were ready to go.  I'm thinking that I'll do the same thing with the beets when I harvest the onions.  We don't really eat beets in the summer anyway.  It's all about the rotation baby!

This post was part of Harvest Monday.  Head on over to Daphne's Dandelions and see what everyone is harvesting this week.


  1. Beautiful carrots!! I don't have the best luck with carrots either. I did get some nice ones in the spring....but they weren't that big!

  2. Awesome idea. I gre up on a farm in Bridgewater and have always enjoyed growing my own but never thought of the paper method. What do you use to tape them?

  3. They are gorgeous indeed, well done Heather!

  4. Those are some beauties! My carrots were not as specatular this year as I am used to producing - I think it is just another victim of our weird summer. They are perfectly edible, just not sized up as per normal.

  5. Looks great to me. Carrots still elude me. I'm hoping my new beds in winter will work. *sigh*

  6. Robin, this is the first time I have ever grown carrots bigger than my thumb.

    Deb, I used a small dab of elmer's glue to stick them on the tp at regular intervals.

    Tyra, thanks!

    Laura, you grow some gorgeous carrots. Some of your mojo must have rubbed off on me.

    Barbie, keep trying, it does happen!

  7. Congrats on those carrots! I need to try that seed tape trick, because I hate to thin carrot seedlings.

    Love that frosty photo on your header!

  8. Those are beautiful carrots! Nice job!

  9. Those are gorgeous! I had a hard time growing carrots this summer, but I am ready again for spring. We put in new raised beds so I'm hoping this will help.

  10. Villager thanks! The photo is from a few days ago.

    Hannah, thanks!

    Meemsnyc, the raised beds certainly seemed to help.

  11. Boy! They are beautiful! I was excited to see the green tops on mine, let alone anything like this. (and I still haven't seen anything like this!) I wonder if sticking them on a paper towel would work for wide row planting...

    Great job!

  12. Veggie, you need something that falls apart easily when wet. Last year I made the mistake of using napkins, they didn't collapse enough and it prohibited the seeds from setting.

  13. The carrots look great! I find the later planted carrots work out better too. I find when I plant in the spring the roots get full of carrot maggots.

  14. Congrats on your wonderful carrots. I always plant in the spring too because I love my carrots, but fall carrots do seem to be easier. At least if I can get them to germinate, which is always my issue.

  15. Dan, the later planting certainly seemed to work this time.

    Daphne, I'll probably still plant a few in the spring, but have the fall be my major planting.

  16. I agree with everyone, lovely carrots!
