Monday, November 1, 2010

Harvest Monday Nov 1, 2010

Brrr!  It is certainly November here in New England.  It was 25 degrees when I woke up this morning.  The kids were bundled up in winter coats and the heat was turned on.  The living room was 58 degrees, so there was no messing around today.  As a result, I decided to harvest a few things that I was unsure of.  Tonight is supposed to be just as cold.

There was quite a bit of broccoli and a few beets that were big enough to harvest.  I left the broccoli in to see how well it does.  There are a few more heads started and some side shoots that may develop.  Since I've never had anything planted this late, I'm not sure how well they'll do.  The beets are not sizing up as well as I would like, so I thinned them and we'll see what happens.  I know both broccoli and beets are ok with some cold, but I'm not sure when they'll be destroyed.

The rest of the greens, cabbage and carrots are looking good, so they'll stay in the ground.  My Pac Choi has gotten far too big, so the chickens have been enjoying it instead.  The cabbage is still forming heads, I'm curious to see what will happen with them.  It would be great if the cabbage, beets and carrots would continue to size up, the light is getting scarce though.

This post is part of Daphne's Dandelions, head on over and see what everyone is harvesting this week.


  1. Everything looks wonderful. We have had one light frost and expecting another one tonight. Everything did well through the first one. Not sure if I will cover tonight or not. It is always a gamble this time of year.

  2. The broccoli and beets look great. I still have beets in the ground and am wondering how long I can wait to pull them.

  3. Your broccoli looks great and the beets will be delicious no matter what size.

  4. Well done it all looks very good. They say that the cabbage taste even better after the first frost. Good luck with them.


  5. Lorie, this is the latest that I remember having a killing frost.

    Emily, thanks I'm wondering how long they'll last as well.

    Michelle, we love beets of any size!

    Tyra, thanks, I'm looking forward to the cabbages in a few weeks.

  6. The broccoli looks totally delicious and the beetroots, well they are great at any size (I grow them in pots so they never get very big)

  7. Your broccoli looks just about perfect! And since I can't get any beets to bulb up in my garden, I'm always impressed with beets grown in other gardens. 25 degrees sound cold, but I'm sure we'll be right there soon, too.

  8. Beautiful broccoli and I bet those baby beets were scrumptious.

  9. My broccoli is usually put out of commission more by the constant cold heavy rains rather than a freeze. I think my fall crop is actually done for the year because we have had such dark, cold, and heavy rain filled days and the plants are looking unhealthy as a result. Your broccoli harvest looks beautiful though and you might get several more side shoot harvests before the plants give it up altogether. I seem to only get a good beet crop once every three years. Not sure what is up with that but that has been my experience. ;) I am due for a good beet year so I need to be sure to plant some next year!

  10. Last year my broccoli harvest kept going until the middle of November. But I'm a bit warmer than you are and last year was a pretty warm fall too. Hopefully yours will produce some more.

  11. Prue, we loved the beets roasted last night with a bunch of other veggies!

    Thyme, I would be so sad if my beets didn't bulb. They're so yummy.

    Grafixmuse, they were yummy.

    Laura, I sure hope I get more broccoli. It's one of our favorite veggies, although at this point we love them all.

    Daphne, It would be great if I got a few more weeks of harvests. It's been such a wild year for weather. You'll be harvesting into December this year!

  12. Great looking broccoli! The temperature is expected to get down to 26 tonight in our area. I have a feeling that winter will arrive early this year in New England - what a stark contrast to last fall.
