Monday, October 18, 2010

Harvest Monday Oct 18, 2010

The harvests are slowing down mightily here.  It seems as they slow down, I get worse about actually photographing what I get.  Most of the time, I end up running outside to grab something out of the garden to make dinner.  

This week, the only things I actually harvested were some broccoli and swiss chard.  Since my computer won't let me upload the one picture I took, I don't even have that to show you.  Is anyone else having issues with the new changes to blogger?  I hate the way they have photos set up now.

Edited to add that blogger finally allowed me to post the picture of the swiss chard that I harvested.

Anyway, the broccoli went into a casserole and the chard into the soup, both of which I made in the previous post.  This time of year I'm ready for the garden to be done.  I'm hoping my teenaged friend will come back one more time to finish spreading the manure.  Since I still haven't managed to get the garlic and onions planted, that really needs to get done this week.  After that, it's just enjoying the last of my harvests and all the yummy things that I stored.  I'm not sure that I'm cut out for year round gardening.

Head on over to Daphne's Dandelions and check out what everyone is harvesting this week.


  1. Your swiss chard looks really nice. I harvested some too this past week but they were definitely showing signs of the annual fall invasion of slugs - not nearly so pretty. I enjoy four season gardening, but the winter garden is really just about harvesting the crops that are overwintering and not much else. Like you, I enjoy the slow down on the workload and pace too.

  2. Well you are lucky to be able to harvest something! It looks great/ Tyra

    Fragrant and Tasty in Tyra’s Garden

  3. I've also been having trouble remembering to photograph and weigh my harvests, as they are so small in quantity. Your chard looks beautiful. I sowed seeds for two different kinds of swiss chard in late August, and they have just refused to grow at all. I wonder if they are not liking the warm weather we've been having this fall.

  4. Is it better to spread manure over the garden in the Fall than in the Spring?

    I'm just hoping to get the weeds out before it's too cold :-)

  5. I too look forward to some off garden time Nov-Jan. I have enough seedlings going by February that I can't really call it off even though the ground stays frozen until mid March. I do miss the harvests though. By springtime I'm dying for some fresh garden produce.

  6. The harvest looks fantastic, even if it might be some of the last crops...
    We have had severe frost for a few nights and we really have to look hard, to find something in the garden to eat...
    Cesar's Garden

  7. Lura, I love the look of chard. Four season harvesting seems ok, but I'm not real keen on not having any time at all as a break from the garden.

    Tyra, I am lucky!

    Thyme, it's funny how we can remember when there is a lot to take photos of.

    Karen Anne, the manure I'm spreading is fairly fresh, so it needs to age over the winter. As it does, it will leach nutrients into my soil.

    Daphne, I need that time off too. It helps me enjoy it more.

    Charlotta, no severe frosts here yet. We've had a pretty mild fall so far.

  8. Slow but steady characterizes this time of year for me. The bulk of prefrost harvesting is done and ghe cold hardy greens are pumping it out. Nice looking chard (now that you have the picture up).

  9. Look at your beautiful carrots! Long legged they are. Nice work!
