Thursday, September 9, 2010

What a great harvest I had today.  The broccoli finally decided to do something.  There were 2 heads to harvest this morning and several more on their way.  We've had such a hot summer, that my broccoli just didn't do anything.  I had beautiful, big, healthy plants, with no heads.  Patience prevailed and now I have a bunch to put up.  The potatoes went into homefries for breakfast and the tomatoes went into tonight's chili. 

I apologize for the lack of blogging lately.  With the start of the school year, several weddings to shoot with Hubby and prep for vacation, I haven't had much time.  We're headed off to vacation tomorrow, so blogging will probably cease until I get back in a week or so.  We'll be going to Monticello for the Harvest Festival and then to Williamsburg for homeschool week.  The kids are so excited for Busch Gardens and Water Country.  I'm excited for the gardens at Monticello and the fact that I'll get to meet Patti Moreno and Sharon Astyk.  They are both amazing women, doing amazing work.   I'm sure the gardens and speakers will give me lots of inspiration and ideas for my garden.

See you soon!


  1. What a great sounding vacation! Have a wonderful time and give us the highlights when you get back.

    Congratulations on the broccoli too!

  2. I've been wanting to visit Monticello, enjoy!
