Monday, August 23, 2010

Harvest Monday Aug 23rd 2010

The first corn of the year came in this week.  It was a mixed bag.  There is still a bit to be harvested.

Tomatoes are still ruling the day.  This week I harvested about 50 lbs.  I'm starting to see a possible end to this, but would like it to go on for at least another 3-5 weeks.  Maybe in a slightly smaller capacity though.

It hasn't been a good pumpkin and squash year for us.  This is a very small Cinderella pumpkin that ended up getting composted as a result of damage.  There is also a very small Waltham butternut.  Maybe next year we'll have a good squash year.

The peppers are still coming in very nicely.  The egg is of course from my girls.

Head on over to Daphne's Dandelions and see what else is being harvested this week.


  1. It seems like one must have sacrificial crops if you are to have a bounty in another item! We definitely have winners and losers each and every year and rarely are they the same items from year to year. The tomatoes look delicious!

  2. My peppers were sucking the moisture out of the fruit to survive, so I only got 8 whole one's froze. With the rain this weekend, hopefully they've reversed that. I want a bunch to cut into pieces and freeze on a cookie sheet. Easier for sauces and pizza etc.

    Will can more tomatoes on Tues, with the rain there should be a lot more. Won't get as much as you have but if in the end I have a couple doz litres... I'll be happy.

    Need to dig my potatoes, someone's sharing them with us... we have a mole in the yard.

  3. I am getting peppers, and they are doing well. My tomatoes are well, small, and my neighbor is sharing his garden with me, and I am canning as much as I can, and freezing most till I can get more time and it gets cooler, the stove really cranks up the heat in the kitchen. I am drying herbs and leeks, onions, and whatever else someone gives me, or I get out of my garden. My acorn squash are ok so far, the rest are like yours, didn't do well, That's farm'in and garden'in.
    Everything you are doing looks well, and you just keep doin'.
    Have a great week in produce.

  4. Laura, there is certainly a give and take. This year I could have saved the squashes with row covers from the beginning. Next year I won't make the same mistake.

    Farmwife, we're getting lots of much needed rain as well. I hope things pick up for you and your mole stops eating all the good stuff!

    Denimflyz, it's nice to have neighbors to share with. I actually have an acorn squash that my daughter planted in my herb bed. The bugs haven't found it yet, so I should get a few off that plant.

  5. I got zero cantaloupes this year, but I do have Sugar Baby watermelons. This is my first year growing watermelons, so I am hovering over them trying to figure out when they're ripe.

  6. I think I would have had a good squash year if it weren't for the groundhog. Your harvest looks fabulous. And wow 50lbs of tomatoes in a week. That is very nice.

  7. Karen Anne, I have a few sugar babies, but they aren't doing much.

    Daphne, my dog keeps the groundhog away. I just need something to keep the SVB away.

  8. That is a lot of tomatoes! You have been busy. Corn is just starting around here too, and it tastes so good.


  9. We can never get enough tomatoes around here. I think that I have harvested about 130 lbs so far. Mine are slowing down...but, I am crossing my fingers...only lost 2 plants so far!!

    The SVB's got all of my squash this year :(

    Keep up the good work!

  10. Cinderella pumpkin, what a great name! Sorry to hear that it got damaged. 50 lbs of tomatoes every week for 3-5 weeks would definitely keep you busy! :)

  11. Looks like a great variety of things from the garden! Congrats!

  12. Love your butternut! Nice to see other folks are getting eggs, too. I just love my chickens. You have a few nice ears of corn, even if they didn't all turn out. Awesome harvest of tomatoes!

  13. Brenda, it is a lot of tomatoes and I love it. Enjoy your corn.

    Robin, I'll take all the tomatoes I can get. Those SVBs are evil little buggers.

    Thyme, the Cinderella should have been huge, but the SVBs got it.

    Holly, thanks!

    Lori, I love my chickens. They're so sweet!
