Monday, July 12, 2010

Harvest Monday

This is part of Harvest Monday, which is hosted by Daphne's Dandelions.  Go and check out what else is being harvested.

 This is a sampling of what has been coming out of the garden these days.  We have Cascadia sugar snap peas that are being saved for seed, Gold Rush zucchini, Boston Pickling cukes, Detroit dark red beets, jalapenos, Anaheim peppers and Blue lake bush beans.  We've also still been harvesting pac choy and tatsoi. 

Things are really moving along now.  I love this time of year.  The harvests far exceed what we need in any given day.  This means lots of yummy veggies to eat and lots to put up for the winter.  It won't be long before I'm completely overwhelmed by produce and the need to preserve it somehow. 

The big harvest of the week was garlic.

I harvested 44 gorgeous heads of garlic.  Hubby has been going around sniffing the air and sighing with contentment.  The smell is just amazing.  These are all hard neck varieties and I love them, but I'll also be adding some soft necks for next year for their better storage properties.  Between the garlic scape pesto and all these beautiful heads of garlic, it will be a long while before I need to purchase any from the store.  We'll see how long the hard necks store, I'm hoping they hold out for at least 6 months or so.  In the meantime, I'll be keeping an eye out for preservation recipes.


  1. Love that garlic! Lynn over at Wood Ridge has a recipe for pickled garlic that I am going to try.

  2. Allison, thanks!

    Villager, that looks wonderful. I think I may have to try it. Thanks so much!

  3. Very nice harvest.This year I'm trying to preserve garlic by chopping it and freezing it in olive oil. I haven't tried this before so I'm not sure how it will be.

  4. Love that zucchini in the first picture! Isn't it a great dilemma to have too much produce coming from our gardens? Your garlic looks great, and will be nice to use.

  5. I grew some hardnecks last year. Some are still good. I have about a dozen I haven't eaten, but now I have the new crop.

  6. Michelle, I am curious how that would work out.

    Lori, the zucchini is called Gold Rush. I like the different colors. It is so wonderful to have too much!

    Daphne, it's good to know they kept so well for you. We'll certainly be able to eat them all in the year. We love garlic!

  7. That is a superior garlic harvest! I store mine for the whole year without any problems. Garlic is a great keeper.

  8. Laura, I'm really hoping the garlic makes it through the year. I've heard that soft neck is a little better at keeping. We'll have to see.

  9. I'm also intrigued by your Gold Rush zucchini. That looks really cool. And great garlic harvest! I can't wait to try my hand at planting garlic this fall.

  10. Thyme, thanks, the gold rush was also very tasty in our stir fry last night.
