Monday, July 19, 2010

Harvest Monday July 19th 2010

This post is part of Harvest Mondays at Daphne's Dandelions.  Head on over and check out all the wonderful harvests posted there.

There is lots of harvesting going on here.  I didn't take pictures of all that I harvested, but you will certainly get a good view of what is going on.  The heat continues here in New England with yet another heat wave this past weekend.  So far most things are holding up. 

There have been lots of green beans.  These are Blue Lake bush beans.  They have always been big producers for me.  I have a 4x6 patch planted and am harvesting about 3 quarts of beans every other day. 

Cucumbers are also really coming in these days.  They are mostly being eaten up in salads, but I can foresee pickles in my future.  Peppers are earlier than they ever have been.  I didn't get a picture of all the jalapenos that I've been harvesting as well.  In the picture are bells and Anaheim.

My onion harvest has been less than stellar.  I've never done terribly well with them.  Considering that these have been babied along since January, I'm not impressed.  There are still more to go, but none of any size.  I'm thinking about either potato onions or forgoing them altogether next year.

This is today's harvest.  It seemed much more impressive earlier.  The last of the Pac Choy and Tatsoi were harvested.  They are starting to bolt finally and will be yummy in stir fry and egg rolls this week.  There are a few beets, cabbage, cukes, eggs from my girls, green beans and a few more onions. 

This week will be all about fall planting.  The bed that contained all my early cabbage, Asian greens, onions and lettuce will be completely ripped out.  In their place will go some of the seedlings started on the deck.  I'll also be direct seeding many other things. 


  1. My onions have been dissappointing this year too. Not sure what the problem is but I seeded some bunching onions a while a go because I know I am going to need onions this fall/winter to make up for the lack of a good storage onion harvest.

    Your peppers are obviously loving this prolonged hot summer you are experiencing!

  2. I also never had peppers this early in summer. They are usually ready for harvest in August.

    Great bean harvest!

  3. Have you thought of onion sets instead of onion seeds. I direct seeded some seeds a few years ago along with my sets and had a lovely all summer harvest of green onions which was fine....

    My cucumbers have downy mildew in them. Horrible stuff, one day fine, one day yellow. Today's job is to pull the hill up and start again.... no pt in leaving it in there to see if it spreads. Will spray the leaves every few days with bleach/water solution and hopefully prevent it the next time.

  4. Laura, the peppers are amazing this year. The onions may be suffering as a result of the heat. In any case, I'll be trying some potato onions or bunching onions next.

    vrtlarica, I'm still amazed at how early things are this year. I've never harvested a pepper before August before and this year I had them at the end of June.

    farmwife, I've done onion sets in the past as well. They were passable, but still not great. I'm sorry your cucumbers are a loss. I've put diluted milk on them in the past with good results.

  5. My onions are small again this year too. I did plant potato onions...hopefully I will get some bigger ones from them.

  6. Robin, I'll be curious to see how the potato onions worked. It won't even be bad if they're small, at least you don't have to baby the seeds for months!

  7. My onion harvest is also bad this year. My plants are bolting without bulbing. I planted the same variety at the same time last year and had a stellar harvest. The weather has been crazy, so I figured that must be the cause of this year's failure. You've also had unusual weather, which may have hurt your crop. If you have never gotten a good onion harvest it could be due to a mismatch between the onion variety daylight needs and the available daylight in your area.

  8. Angela, it may just be the weather, but I really have never had great luck from seed.

  9. It sounds like a lot of us are all suffering from a case of small onions! I still like the look of those red onion bulbs - maybe because I only have yellow onions. The rest of your harvest looks great! The abundance and variety of your harvest makes me envious!

  10. I love all the variety of the harvest this time of year! YUM!

  11. Thyme, the red onions are red bull. They're very tasty, if small.

    Debi, so do I. It's so nice to have such a wide array to choose from.

  12. We are greatly disappointed in our garden this year, especially since we did so much preparation for it...The Deer were the first pests...then we don't know what happened! We had plenty of flowers from the squash, cukes,beans etc..and they just died out! The beans look like they want to return it's just too late...looking forward to fall planting.loved your blog ....Ginny

  13. Ginny, it's so disheartening when things go badly. Every year there are successes and failures, we just need to learn from them and keep trying. Thanks for stopping by.
