Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Independence Days Challenge

I seem to have missed a few updates.  As such, I'm not sure what week to call this, so we're just going to call it the challenge update.  There has been a lot happening, so bear with me.

Plant something:  Potatoes, strawberries, cabbage (above picture), onions, broccoli, spinach, more peas, rhubarb started inside.  Potted up tomatoes.

Harvest something: eggs and chives

Preserve Something:  not that I can remember

Waste not:  Gave away all the extra potatoes that I had ordered.  Fed all leftovers to either dog or chickens.

Want not:  Instead of buying a rototiller, rented one.  Was able to till up main garden (with J's help) and a new area that will have flowers and probably more herbs.

Eat the food.  Made up a new recipe for green pork enchiladas using up last year's tomatillo salsa and some purchased green chile enchilada sauce. 


  1. Hi Heather. I came over from Sharon's IDC update. I enjoyed reading yours. The only problem is, I'm wondering about that new recipe you invented for green pork enchiladas!

  2. Leigh, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm making the enchiladas tomorrow, so I'll post the recipe and pics by Thursday.

  3. You are doing really well with the challenge. Did you start the rhubarb from seed?

  4. Heather, thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. It's odd to find out how much the concern and comments of strangers can help when things are hard. I get all teary every time I read those comments. I'll be back soon, buoyed by online friends.
