Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trying my hand at bagels

While my computer was being fixed, I had lots of extra time.  So, I decided to make bagels.  They were surprisingly easy.

They are a bit of a hodge podge of a recipe.  I started with my whole wheat bread dough.  After the first rise I used half the dough for a loaf of bread.  With the second half, I divided it into 8 pieces and formed them into bagels.  The dough got roughly formed into a ball.  I then poked my finger through and made a larger hole.  The bagels were placed on a cookie sheet with parchment paper. 

Next, I heated my electric skillet filled with water and 1 heaping tablespoon of brown sugar and brought it to a simmer.  Then the bagels were transferred 4 at a time (that's what fit in my pan) for 2 minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other.  They went back on the baking sheet and I finished the rest of the bagels. 

The bagels went into a 425 degree oven for 25 minutes.  If you want to add a topping, pull them out after 15 minutes, brush the bagels with water and sprinkle it on.  Then you can finish baking.  I used the Everything Bagel Topping from King Arthur Flour. 

They came out really well, although I will probably make them smaller next time.  I also had a few issues with the topping falling off more than I would like.  I may try using an egg wash to stick them next time.  These were far easier than I would have thought and I love that I was able to use my own bread recipe for them. 


  1. I'm thinking bagels should be on my 'try it' list for 2010. thanks for sharing your bagels with us!

  2. Karen, they were easier than I thought.

  3. Totally inspired to try this now! Thanks for the assurance that it is "easy". :D

  4. Kitsap, if you can make bread, you can make bagels.

  5. Your a great insparation, I took 1/2 my bread dough and make my own rolls to night, so what am I going to do next....MAKE BAGLES!!!!!! we love bagles. good greef where do we find the time?
