Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hoop house

As promised, the finished hoop house.  It has the plastic on now, held on by heavy duty clips.  The ends are open to vent it, since we're having some warm weather this week. 

An inside shot of the pathetic lettuce.  I'm hoping to get the cole crops transplanted in here by the weekend.  I should only need the plastic for a few more weeks.  It will then move to another section of the same long bed to be used to warm things up for the peppers and tomatoes. 


  1. On second glance, those poor lettuces don't look so good :-(

  2. That is a nice little hoop house. Though if you are getting the same weather as here, you hardly need one this week. I'm sure next week will bring back normal weather - or as normal as it gets.

  3. AG, it is sad isn't it.

    Daphne, the weather is fabulous this week. I'm sure next week will be awful. This is New England, it's not like we'll have a real spring.

  4. The hoop houses look FABULOUS!!! Looks like we'll be doing the winter harvest together!!! Which I can't wait for too :D Awesome, awesome! You go girl!

  5. Kiwi, I'm really hoping they'll work out next winter!

  6. The clips are a problem! I can't seem to find any to fit the 3/4 inch pipe ... they're either toooo big or tooooo small ... got to hit Wallies and see what they have ... I'm starting to think outside the box. Am reading the four seasons harvesting book again and I think we should be able to use them so long as they are in the raised beds ... and not on our flat bed gardens ...
