Monday, February 22, 2010

Signs of spring

This time of year always finds me outside looking for signs of life.  I'm usually dragging the kids through mud to show them the swelling buds.  They usually say something like "Great Mom." and then run off on their scooters to enjoy the sun and warmer weather.

Today was no exception.  We've had some fairly nice days this week.  The days have been in the upper 40s with lots of sun.  The snow is almost gone and although much of our state will get snow this week, we're forecasted to get mostly rain. 
Today I found daffodils poking their little heads up.

Peach buds swelling.

Cherry tree buds doing the same.

Toby was out enjoying the sun, but he didn't want his picture taken.  He was more interested in having me throw large muddy sticks for him to fetch. 


  1. This made me smile; I have the same experience of dragging the kids over to see the barely-there sprouts that mean spring might actually be coming (no daffodils yet, today, but there are buds on the snowdrops!)

  2. Lise, they never seem nearly as interested as I am. I'm in serious need of spring right now though.

  3. We finally got our first snow storm of the season. We've had some snow... but this is our first 6" in a day.

  4. My body-clock has switched to Spring. I know this because despite it being freezing cold, my tastebuds are demanding ice-cold beer rather than room temperature ale.

    It's a sign that Old Ma Nature would be best advised to take note of!

  5. The swelling buds and green shoots always lift my spirits. We had a few days of really warm and sunshine filled weather and it brought the flowering ornamental cherry trees that are all over our region - into bloom. The pink flowering trees are a sight to behold. I need to snag a few pics of some of them - as the beauty is so fleetingly short.

    Toby is a really beautiful dog. Is he as sweet tempered as he appears?

  6. Farmwife, its been a crazy weather year. Areas that are usually buried aren't getting any snow, and the south has had tons.

    Idiot Gardener, welcome! I'm ready for spring and an ice cold beer as well. Some friends and I were already planning for our Friday nights by the fire pit. I can't wait!

    Kitsap, I really need to see those things to keep me feeling good. Toby is the sweetest dog. I have a friend whose son is scared of dogs, Toby is the only dog he's not scared of. He loves to snuggle with him. It's very sweet.

  7. I only see snow at my house, so thanks for sharing the bits of spring. I am thinking of starting seeds this week, according to my booklet, I can start some things. I am SO READY!!

  8. Karen Sue, we're pretty lucky right now. The northwest of New England is getting clobbered with snow. We're just getting rain. It feels like cheating, but I like it!
