Sunday, February 7, 2010


I just love getting things like this.  A friend came over with her 3 boys the other day and spoiled me rotten with these wonderful gifts.  The first is a jar of maple syrup from her own trees.  The second is bread and butter pickles from last summer.  The third is a jar of assorted dried beans that she grew last year.  Wow!  I feel so blessed.  I had to take a picture of them before they got gobbled up.   It's wonderful to have friends that do so many wonderful things.   I'm very blessed to have such a talented group of women to spend my time with.  Some are crafty, others organizational geniuses, DIY go-getters, gardeners, cooks and decorators. 


  1. These are wonderful gifts! I'm jealous that you have syrup already; I've been thinking the weather feels like sugar season, but we haven't started yet.

    Thanks for your nice comment about my first attempt at crochet! :-)

  2. Oh wow...those are really great gifts. I've never had homemade syrup before. I wish we lived on a large plot of land full of sugar maples. You'll have to tell us how wonderful the syrup and pickles taste.

  3. Thomas, where I live you can find local maple syrup at farmers' markets.

  4. Lise, the syrup is from last year. It hasn't warmed up enough yet for sugaring.

    Thomas, homemade syrup is wonderful and I've her pickles are amazing.

    Karen, we have a maple sugar farm about 3 miles from my house. The kids love to go there.

  5. Those are really generous gifts - particularly the syrup and the dried beans. Both of those take some real labor and/or garden space to produce as much as you received. The beans layere in the jar is very festive looking.

  6. Kitsap, they are a lot of work. I'm humbled by her generosity.
