Monday, January 18, 2010

The First Seeds Arrive

Baker Creek was quite speedy this year.  These wonderful seeds arrived on Saturday.  As usual, they sent along a free pack of seeds, this year it was Mizuna.  It was awfully thoughtful of them to realize that it would fit nicely in my garden this year!  Many of these seeds will go to friends.  Beans and spinach to K and J.  Cukes to K. 

You may notice that there is a very silly little girl trying to get in the picture above.  I thought she needed her own picture.

She can't wait to help Mom plant the garden this summer.  She is my best helper.  As soon as the onion seeds get here, we'll see those inside.  Dirt in the house.  Does it get any better?


  1. Dirt in the house :> I always have an issue with it since I start my seeds in the laundry room. I have to keep the room clean so the clean clothes don't get dirty. I like to mix my soil on top of the dryer. I think my husband cringes when I do it.

  2. Nothing like playing in the dirt when the weather is still quite frightful outside! :D I started my onion seeds yesterday and was thrilled to be kicking off the seed starting season (at last!).

  3. Daphne, my house is constantly messy. A little dirt here or there just gets swept up with the rest of it. It might have something to do with the constant flow of kids through my house.

    Kitsap, I can't wait to start. It's so exciting!

  4. I need to get an order in for seeds. My garden is little and I don't want to overdo. And I want to try seed saving this year. But I guess I'd better get into gear. I too, fear that some may be harder to come by. Not a lot of garden space, but wanting to grow more..maybe a little thicker than last year. I'm really just a dabbler at this point, but learning all the time.. :o)

  5. Karen, that's how it starts. You think you're ok with just a tomato plant, but you can quit anytime. The next thing you know, you're building greenhouses.

  6. YEAH!!! Our seeds are in!!!! I have that 'spring' feeling niggling inside ... my seed grow selves are looking fancy-smancy and ready for some seeds!!!! Awesome!

  7. Kiwi, I just got the Pinetree order as well. Just waiting on Fedco.
