Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Time for reading

This is the time of the year that I actually have a few minutes to sit down and read up on things.  I love books, and have a bad habit of needing to own them all.   The picture above shows a sampling of the many books I own.  I love books on gardening, homesteading, preserving, frugality, and well, you get the idea.

At the library yesterday, there was a copy of John Jeavons book, The Sustainable Vegetable Garden.  Its very interesting and extremely detailed.  I need more though.  My library is pretty pathetic these days as a result of budget cuts, but I have lots of credits on 

Some books that I really love are in the picture above.  Carla Emery's Encyclopedia of Country Living is amazing.  There is so much information in that book on everything from gardening to being frugal, cooking, preserving and raising and butchering animals.  Just amazing.

I also really love Eliot Coleman's book Four Season Harvest.  It has so much practical information on season extension for your garden. 

The frugalista in me loves The Tightwad Gazette.  Its funny to read it, since although it was written about 15 years ago, the economy was doing poorly then and there were lots of people looking into the frugal lifestyle.  Her basic recipes are wonderful to make something from just about any ingredients you happen to have laying around.  Some things are outdated, but overall its a wonderful resource. 

Some other good ones are Seed to Seed by Suzanne Ashworth.  My sister in law is currently borrowing it, so it isn't pictured.  It has everything you ever wanted to know about saving your own seed.  Then there are all the preserving books, like Root Cellaring by the Bubels, Mary Bell's Complete Dehydrator cookbook and Ball's complete book of Home Preserving. 

Recently I've been reading more on the local food and sustainability fronts.  Sharon Astyk has 3 books out right now with a fourth on the way, so far my favorite has been Independence Days.  I also really enjoyed Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver and The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. 

Please share some of your favorites with me.


  1. I have tons of gardening and food-related books on the shelf and no time to read. In fact, I've been working on the same book for over a month now. I hope you get plenty of reading done this winter!

  2. Thomas, running after a toddler takes up way too much time to get any reading done. Enjoy him!

  3. I had to laugh as I was reading your blog today... I have or have read everyone of the books you listed! Right now I am reading "The New Self-Sufficient Gardener" by John Seymour. It's been an interesting read and the beautiful illustrations make it interesting to look through. However, so far I have not run across anything that is really something new or a different approach from what I have previously read about or learned. It's a good reference and recap though.

    A book you may enjoy that I did not see on your list is:

    "This Organic Life - Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader" by Joan Dye Gussow. Mine copy is dog eared because I have read it several times. Lots of good info and inspiration, and a story of love and personal conviction that will keep you turning the pages.

  4. Thanks Kitsap, I'm going to have to check that one out. It seems we have similar tastes in reading material.

  5. I have a horrible book fetish, and like you, I like to own them. Books are stacked on every flat surface in my house ... including the floor! I think I have all of the books you mentioned (and the one mentioned by kitsapFG :)).

    I've just finished reading "Farm City" by Novella Carpenter, which I thoroughly enjoyed. She's a good writer (very funny!) with an incredibly unique urban farming experience.

  6. Thanks Wendy, I have her book on my wishlist for paperbackswap now.
