Monday, December 7, 2009

Mommy, I don't like the store bought veggies.

That was what my 8 year old told me at dinner tonight.  My gardener's and my mother's heart sang.  We were eating an organic mixed veggie mix from Trader Joes and he kept picking out the green beans and telling me they didn't taste like real green beans.  Well, how about that? 

We then started talking about the fact that I was trying to grow all of our veggies.  The kids have always helped me pick out different seeds for the garden.  We like trying different colored carrots and such.  Tonight we were debating whether it was better to start a permanent strawberry bed, or an asparagus bed.  The kids both like asparagus, but of course picked strawberries.  Hubby picked the asparagus.  I may have to build one more bed. 

The next conversation was the kids listing all the vegetables that were their favorites.  They both ran out of fingers and toes.  How cool is that?  Since my Fedco catalog arrived this afternoon, you know what I'll be doing as soon as I post this. 


  1. It's great that you are getting all of the family involved in selecting what to grow. The enjoyment of the produce definitely increases from a personal interest and investment of time/attention.

  2. Before my daughter moved out she always picked things for the garden too. She always wanted mini pumpkins even if we didn't eat them.

    But I totally am with your kids. Veggies from the store don't taste right. Beans have got to be second only to tomatoes in that regard. I don't even like store bought green beans, but love the ones from the garden.

    I got my Fedco catalog too and already have it all marked up.

  3. Kitsap, I've always let them pick what they want. They get excited to taste it that way.

    Daphne, it's amazing the difference in taste. They'll eat most anything from the garden, but are much pickier from the store. I still haven't had a chance to sit down and study the Fedco catalog. It's killing me!

  4. Haven't cracked open the Fedco yet. Thought I'd save it until after Christmas. Just have to be careful not to put it 'SOME PLACE SAFE' or I'll never see it again!! That's where all my planting info is from last year. OOPS!!

  5. Karen, I just went through it last night. The whole thing is circled.

  6. I can't speak for kids, since we don't have any, but my husband's that way. He was never a big veggie fan until I started gardening.

  7. Safira, welcome! My hubby was also has liked veggies better with them being prepared fresh.
