Sunday, December 20, 2009

It just keeps coming.

Here is my compost pile.

This is the back of the house.  On the sides are the bulkheads and in the middle are the air conditioners.  Just to give you some perspective, the taller air conditioner comes to well over my waist.

These are J's back steps.  Can you see how high the snow is on the steps?

The chickens are a little freaked out about the snow.  It took J and I a bit to get the snow out of their run so that they would come out.  They came out for a few minutes and went right back inside.  J and I have decided that chicken tractors are not meant for people who get this much snow.  I was crawling around on my hands and knees in the snow trying to brush it out while J lifted it.  Next spring a bigger coop will be built in the backyard.   That is J's very overworked snow blower.  Thankfully it was fluffy snow so it was pretty easy for me to shovel myself. 


  1. Those pictures make me feel a little better. I have one more trip outside to finish the driveway, hopefully before it gets too dark.

    I have never had a snow blower. Do they work when the snow is 2-3 feet deep? Any words of snow blower advice for an ignoramous?

  2. Karen, since those pictures were taken, we've gotten another 6 inches and it is still coming down.

    The snow blower belongs to my neighbor J. His seems to do poorly in anything over a foot or so, but I think they make bigger ones to do deeper snow.

  3. It's stopped snowing, but not the wind, so it's refilling the places I've dig out. Curses :-)


  4. Thanks for taking all of that snow! We are waiting this one out. Not anything to write home about yet.

  5. Karen Anne, the wind is blowing all over here as well.

    Karen Sue, you'll get the next storm I'm sure.

  6. That is a doozy of a snow storm. Poor chickens! They may just stay inside until spring arrives!

  7. Kitsap, it really was a doozy. I just got the chickens out.

  8. I found this on the web, about how to shovel snow without clobbering your back. After I had finished shoveling the snow all the wrong way :-)

    Next time I'll know better and be able to get more done at a time, before going ow ow ow.

  9. Karen Anne, I'll have to watch that. The only right way to shovel in my mind would be to hire someone else to do it!

  10. I was too cheap. The guy wanted fifty bucks :-)
