Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm a pot head

I was walking through my yard today, realizing that I still need to get everything put away.  There are pots everywhere.  This one is by itself on the deck.  Its a leftover from a project for the kids Nature Club.

This is a pot sitting just outside my garden.  My brother was quite upset that I bought it.  You see at the time he worked for a large pottery company located nearby.  I told him he needed to give me more pots to satisfy my addiction.

So he gave me this one.  Its just outside my front door in the herb and flower bed.  Once upon a time there was mint growing wildly in it.

I haven't a clue where this one came from.  My daughter decided that she and her friend were going to plant some flowers.  The got this pot, filled it with dirt and planted some zinnia seeds in it.  Its been sitting in my garden for the past few weeks.  Do you think anything is going to grow?

This is my post for the Sunday Stroll.  Check out who else is strolling at the Quiet Country House.


  1. Cute idea for your stroll. I have quite a few pots sitting around too. Because our winter is approaching, I have started to put them away. I love the photos! Pots are fun even without something growing in them. Who knew? *grin*

  2. Love the pot your brother gave you. I'm a bit of a pot head, too, although most of mine are painted (by my kids) terracotta pots of varying sizes - many of which have been cracked and/or broken when I left them out all winter.

  3. Thanks Aisling. I need to put them away now.

    Wendy, I should have the kids paint some of the terra cotta pots. Great idea.

  4. I have a bunch of pots sitting in a not so neat row behind the far back growing bed. They are the hodge podge of pots from the deck area and the greenhouse that are currently unoccupied. I save the soil and either rejuvenate it for use the next year, or use it to cover seeds in a broadcast seeded bed - recycling it into the garden beds. So for now, they still have potting soil in them.

  5. Heather-
    I just found this blog and I sometimes make requests...but you can just tell me to bug off if you want! When I find a new blog, I like to go back to the beginning and read from there up to the present time to get the background of the blog. Would it be possible to add an archives gadget to the side, so that I can find the beginning to start at? It makes it easier to find my place, as I usually read during my lunch break and so it takes me several (or many) to get through them. Thanks!
    Karen Sue

  6. Kitsap, I do the same thing with the soil. I just need to get them put away. We get much worse winters here than you do.

    Karen, welcome! I'll see if I can find the side bar addition for you.

  7. Thanks so much!! Now I'm ready to go to the start and read it right through!!
