Friday, November 13, 2009

First catalog of the year!

Something for me to pour over this weekend in the rain.  I love seed catalogs.  


  1. Ack I want mine. Love love Pinetree. I don't think I'm ordering from them this year since I did last year, but still I want to look. You never know I could change my mind.

  2. What a great blog~
    I came to let you know I'm having a giveaway!

    Georgiann momma of 6

  3. heather-
    thank you for changing the archive. I was able to read through to now and i'm ready for more adventures! I got a tree catalog. perhaps I'll have to get on the Pinetree mailing list. I had a few questions, but wrote them down at work and i'll have to wait til next week to shoot them over to you. do you always plant garlic in the fall?? I'm hoping to get some herbs growing and figure out what to use them for...not an herb user much..
    Thanks for the entertainment! and inspiration. i have a thing at church most of tomorrow, but I think it was supposed to be nice here. I need to put some leaf choppings on the beds, but I'd like to get ahold of some poop,too. Never ends, does it?!!? that's ok...always learning. Keeps us out of the bars!

  4. Karen, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Ask away!
    I always plant garlic in the fall. In my area, that is the only way to get a harvest.
    With herbs, start with what you do know, maybe chives, basil or mint. Then you can expand from there.

  5. Seed catalogs - otherwise known as garden porn! :D

    I love getting the new season catalogs and pour through them during the dark, cold, evenings of winter. I usually make my big seed order right around Christmas or the week after. I need the first seed by mid January for starting so I order early.

  6. Daphne, I love them too. Last year I ordered almost everything from Baker Creek, this year I'm thinking Pinetree or Fedco.

    Thanks Georgiann.

    kitsap, I order about the same time as well. There is nothing better than curling up with a seed catalog.
