Sunday, October 11, 2009

Strolling through the candle company's gardens

This week we went out to the Yankee Candle Company to spend the day with the kids.  They have some very pretty gardens outside, so despite some rain, I decided to try out my new camera.  Its not really new, but hubby let me have one of his older cameras.  Its a Canon EOS 20D and much nicer than the little point and shoot I was using.

The mums were beautiful.

Lots of colors.

Corn stalks make wonderful designs.

Piles of pumpkins.

It really was beautiful.

This was my contribution to the Sunday Stroll.  Head on over to the Quiet Country House to see who else is strolling today.


  1. Lovely! I especially love the last photo, but they all represent autumn so beautifully!

  2. Beautiful! I love the fall mums. Good job using the new (to you anyway!) camera.

  3. Thanks ladies. Its going to be a big learning curve I think.

  4. Heather we love that place! Are they set up for Christmas yet? Over Thanksgiving or early December they will have a "kids day" sort of thing where Santa will come, they have activities, etc. So glad you got a fun day away with the family...Terrie

  5. Terrie, Santa was there. They always have lots of Christmas stuff anyway. We love it there also.
