Monday, October 26, 2009

Apple Picking

I love apple picking.  We were late going this year, but thankfully there were still plenty left.  I packed the kids and the wagon into my car and off we went to Honey Pot Hill.  Its a great orchard about an hours drive from me.

The only problem was that most of the apples were too far up for us to reach.  Here is Noah trying to find apples low enough to pick.

Any that Morgan found were instantly eaten.

These were out of reach, taunting me.  I am scared of ladders and didn't have my 6'4" hubby to get them for me.

Every tree had hundreds of apples on the ground under it.  So much waste made me very sad.  It was impossible to walk without making applesauce as you went.

The wagon was very useful, since we ended up with a bushel of apples.  The kids are excited to make applesauce from them.

It really was a perfect day.

Over at the farm store, they had pumpkins for sale as well.  They look so nice all lined up.  When the kids were little we would have them sit on the pumpkins for pictures.

I loved the rows of future trees.  This orchard is truly massive.  We have been going there for years, but ended up in an area that I didn't even know existed.  Tomorrow I'll post pics of the animals they have.


  1. Beautiful! I love apple-picking ... and then coming home and filling the house with the scent of applesauce cooking ;).

  2. Didn't the kids go on the ladders? I am petrified of heights and can't climb more than two rungs, but mine were 6 feet in the air hanging off the ladders picking apples! LOL We were there in September and even though they probably could've reached some of them from the ground, they wanted to be airborne the entire time. (and I think they use the ones on the ground for cider, so not a total waste). We're all out now; maybe I should try one more picking before the season is totally done.

  3. What a lovely and productive outing. Farm fresh apples run circles around the storage products usually stocking the supermarket shelves.

  4. Wendy, the house is full of that applesauce smell right now. The kids are so excited.

    FOM, I'm terrified of ladders and the kids weren't very excited to get up them either. I really hope they use the downed apples for cider. That would make me feel much better.

    Kitsap, there is such a huge difference. We find there is a huge difference in most produce. Sad that most in the US don't get to eat those wonderful fresh picked fruits and veggies.

  5. Sounds like the perfect kind of Autumn day..have fun making sauce. Thanks for visiting! Kim
