Sunday, September 27, 2009

Looking back through the growing season Sunday Stroll

See who else is Strolling at The Quiet Country House

Looking back at my garden over the past few months of our rather short growing season.

This was in May. Peppers that are now full grown and ready to be harvested.  Its amazing how tiny they start out.

Tomatoes in June.  Starting to get big.

Tomatoes and peppers in July tucked in with their blankets of straw.

Heartbreak in August with the discovery of blight.

Moving on in September with leeks and some swiss chard in the background.  


  1. I loved the walk through the months of the gardening-season! It is nice to have a look back at home things have progressed. We didn't have the greatest year for the vegetable garden weather-wise, but some things just flourished anyway!

  2. What a nice re-cap of the growing season! Almost like time-lapsed photography.

    Sometimes it seems hard to remember back that far, then it seems like just yesterday.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love looking at photos showing the progression through time of various crops. It definitely reminds you that those tiny plants of early spring DO get big and will overflow the bed later in the season. :D
