Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Farmer's Market

This is the first year for my little town to have a farmer's market. A professor from the local college helped to set it up and it has been wonderful. I'm actually quite amazed at the number of people that have been attending each week. It had started out in a small parking lot are, but after the first week, had to be expanded.

When I said I was going to the market, my sister in law said she had no need to go since she had her own garden. So do I, but the market is about so much more.

This week I got lettuce from one vendor, mine is dead and the next group isn't ready yet. Then there were the early apples and jalapenos from another vendor. The jalapenos will go with my tomatoes and onions for salsa today. The apples will be a nice snack.

Another farmer had eggplant, so that went into a very garlicky baba ganoush. Yummy

Then there are the bakers, we have to bakery vendors. One has bread and roll and the other has cookies and bars. I got lemon bars from the second vendor. They are so yummy I can't stand it. Yes, I know that lemons aren't local, but in those locally produced bars they are heavenly.

Lastly I got 2 lavender sachets. The woman who runs this booth is a teacher with a small lavender farm. She makes her own sachets from hand dyed fabric. She also sells lavender in bunches and bags. The smell is heavenly.

The thing is that I can get all these wonderful things in one place. It gives the vendors a place to let people know about what they do. Every week there are more people there to try the wonderful things that they are hearing about. This week I saw the local supermarket buyer over looking at all the great produce. Hopefully that will translate into more local foods in the supermarket(small, locally owned supermarket). Its a win-win for everyone!


  1. I think the shopping experience at the local farmers market is wonderful. It's rare I can find vegetables items I am not growing myself and often I think that my crops are further along than the market gardeners - but the homemmade cheeses, bakery products, and herb choices make the stop worthwhile.

  2. I agree, I love seeing all the great things they have. If nothing else, it gives me great ideas.
