Friday, August 28, 2009

Condiments from the garden

I just finished up some Black Bean and Corn Salsa. Its one of my favorite salsas, but a new recipe for canning. The local grocery store had some corn on sale this week and it didn't have much in the way of flavor. That combined with my home canned black beans and home grown tomatoes, jalapenos, onions and garlic made a yummy snack.
Then it was on to the green beans. They've been producing like gang busters and I already have tons in the freezer. When I picked 6 lbs yesterday, I knew what I wanted to do with them. Dilly Beans! They have nice large cloves of garlic in them since that is hubby's favorite. All of these will taste so good this winter! It really is amazing what I'm getting out of the garden this year. Even with a bad year of weather, there are still plenty of veggies.


  1. Got to love those Dilly Beans! The corn & bean salsa looks super too.

    Isn't it a nice feeling to have all that produce filling up the pantry shelves?

  2. The salsa looks divine!! Assuming you use a pressure canner for that? I keep thinking I should get mine out but I'm afraid to use it. :)

  3. Kitsap, I love looking at all the pretty jars on the shelves. Makes me feel like a little squirrel.

    Green Bean, the salsa is actually for water bath canning. It has added vinegar to up the acid content.
