Saturday, July 4, 2009

The sun is shining and things are ripening.

We got back from vacation and found lots of things happening in the garden. The peas are really taking off. I just picked a quart and then planted some more for later in the summer.
The first planting of zucchini is doing beautifully. I picked one and have 6 more that will be ready in the next day or two.
Just when I thought the broccoli was never going to head... Isn't is beautiful? I just put 2 quarts in the freezer with lots for us to eat fresh.
The tomatillos are looking good too.
Just for something different, here is a Lilly.
Lastly, the flowers from my dogwood trees are beautiful.


  1. It all looks so great! I guess I should mosey out & get pics of my garden. Hubba's been on at me to blog a garden update.

    OK, here I go.....

  2. The broccoli, zucchini and peas look great! The broccoli in particular looks like your waiting was rewarded well. Welcome back!

  3. Looks great! Our peas seem to be just finishing up as it's getting hot. I just pulled a few carrots today, a little early, but great for snacking.

  4. What a delicious crop of veggies you will soon have.

  5. Thanks all, I love this time of year. Everyday is like Christmas in the garden!

  6. What a bountiful harvest! Can't wait for our gardens to get going, especially fresh tomatoes and corn on the cob! Thanks for sharing . . .

  7. Sorry I'm slow in getting over here to enjoy your stroll! I have had a house full of company and a lot of committments over the past few days.

    Anyway, all I can say as I look at this stroll is "Yum!" Everything is beautiful and looks like it will be satisfying and delicious!

    I'm slow glad you shared your walk through your garden!

  8. Love tomitillos. I never thought to grow them. Maybe next year.
