Thursday, July 23, 2009

Relaxing Summer?

I always anxiously await the relaxing days of summer. Then I don't relax. Why is it that I don't remember this from year to year? I feel like I run from one task to another. The only times I relax are when I take the kids off for play dates.

This week the kids have had VBS in the mornings. I found myself running around like a nut doing things that are easier done without children. Most importantly, buying presents for Noah's 8th birthday next week.

Today consisted of pulling weeds, picking veggies, freezing veggies, mowing the lawn and attempting to clean and organize my house. I can't seem to sit still for very long. Every time I sit down something else catches my eye, or crosses my mind that has to be done that very second. As I sit here trying to organize my thoughts, I realize that I really need to clean off the sideboard in my kitchen that seems to collect stuff. Off to do that!

1 comment:

  1. I have to schedule relaxing time. Go figure. It works though. I honestly relax most by doing things that are important to me and pleasurable tasks. Harvesting and working in the gardens is an example of that... not work to me.
