Friday, June 26, 2009

Update and going on vacation

I may have mentioned(complained) that it has rained a lot here lately. In fact it has rained daily for about a month. Today I did my quick walk through to check on things. Above is my zuycchini. They are showing male flowers that haven't opened yet. I'm hopeful that in another week or 2 I'll have some zucchini to grill up. In the background you can see the volunteer tomatoes. To the left are the cucumbers that have been thriving.
This was supposed to be a shot of the sugar snap peas. They have flowers as well and we're anxious to be eating them. Hubby swore that he hated all peas until he tried sugar snaps. Now, its his favorite veggie. In the background are cabbages and squash.
This is the tomato patch. They have flowers, but no pollination yet. I think we'll be a few weeks behind this year, unfortunately. Our tiny little window of tomato ripening is shrinking and it makes me sad. I'm always hopeful that we'll get enough to can for the year. So far, it hasn't happened. Someday...

This will probably by my last post for a week or so. We're headed to Vermont to dog sit for my sister. She's in the mountains and I'll only have access to dial up, so I'm not planning on doing too much on the computer. We're just going to relax and enjoy the quiet. See you all soon.


  1. Have fun in VT :). Let me know if you need me to check in on your garden ... Or anything else!!! Be safe!

  2. Your garden is looking good!

    Have a great time in Vermont.
