Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Day of School 2008-2009

Today was our first day back at school. The Little Man is in second grade and Pooh Bear is in Preschool.

After playing outside with his friends this morning, Little Man wasn't very happy about coming in to start school. Public School doesn't start until tomorrow, so he wanted to play today. I was the mean mommy.

After some tears, the day went rather well. He seemed to like the currriculum we had for the year. We'll see how it goes in the next few weeks.

Here he is doing his math. We started fractions today in Singapore 2B. He seemed to like doing them today and since there was no writing involved, he was very happy.
I didn't get any pictures of Pooh Bear today, but she was thrilled to start school. We worked on learning the letter E and reviewed the letter A. She did some handrwiting practice from the Donna Young site. We also did some math work on the number 5 in a Rod and Staff workbook a friend gave us. More pictures tomorrow.

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