Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Last of the potting

I got the last of the seedlings potted up. This time it was peppers, a few more herbs and some flowers. The tomatoes are really looking great. They are putting on true leaves and getting big and strong. There are also more seedlings coming up in the pots, so I'll have even more seedlings than I previously thought. Since I have more than enough people that will happily take them, its a very good thing.

I went to the LDS cannery with Lauren this weekend. It was quite an experience. We got there and started to place our order when one of the workers approached us. He asked how much we were looking for. A group from Vermont had arrived with a Ryder truck and purchased almost the whole wharehouse. We were able to get what we wanted just barely. We literally got the last of the wheat. The price was 6.25 for 25 lbs and we got 15 bags between us. He said that this would be it for the wheat because anymore wheat would be $44 per bag for the same stuff. Very scary indeed. They won't be carrying it anymore because people can't afford it. I feel that we have enough of the basics for a year now, but this needs to be ongoing. I just ordered mylar bags and oxygen absorbers to put it all away.

We have beautiful weather this week and so the last of the garden ready to go. Noah and I are just finishing school right now and then we'll be out in the dirt!

Lastly is teaching canning. I have had quite a few people ask me to teach them to can. I don't have the space here, but one of the moms has a bigger kitchen. The plan is to wait until the gardens start producing and then teach a bunch at the same time. I hope I remember to teach all the important things. It is really interesting to me that there are so many people that are getting interested in growing and putting up their own food. It is so exciting and wonderful. There is nothing better for our planet and our bodies in my not so humble opinion.

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