Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Planting day

In the ongoing effort to do it all, I have planted 72 cells of veggies, herbs and flowers today. I got one of the 72 cell starter kits from Walmart and happily went about planting anything I could. Strangely, I hope it is way too much.

Tomatoes planted
Delicious 12
Berkeley Tie Dyed 6
Zebra 1
Bull's Heart 1
Wisconsin 55 2
Wayahead 2
Yellow Pear 2
Super Marmande 2
Super Beefsteak 1
San Marzano 1

Peppers Planted

Mini Bell 6
Quadrato D'Asti 6
Chili De Comidia 2
Cayenne 3
Hot Cherry Pepper 3
Long Red Slim 2
Pimento 2

Herbs planted
Sage 2
Thyme 4
Basil 4

Flowers planted

Marigold 5
Zinnia 3

I also set up the heat mat under it and set up the first set of grow lights. The grow lights won't get lit for a few days until the seeds sprout, but I wanted to make sure they worked. I need to go downstairs to set up the other set for the same reason. Lowes had peat pots in multiple sizes, so I got small and big 5" pots to transplant into.

The basil Lori gave me and the parsley are growing like crazy. The onions are in the compost heap, because they died. Noah planted 6 egg carton cells with broccoli and they seem to be doing well. There are a few that are starting to poke up through the soil.

Lori and Al are coming up in a week or so to till the garden for me. Then I can get busy planting the peas and any other early things out. Rich is going to have to move the rest of the pavers for me so that I can put the fence posts in. Then whenever Al has a chance he can come and til without us even being here. He's such a handy guy to have around.

I can't wait to see how all the plants come up. Its so exciting!

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